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    Name Value Description


    Name Type Description
    True Boolean Boolean literal
    False Boolean Boolean literal
    i Complex The imaginary unit
    Infinity Number IEEE floating point infinity
    NegativeInfinity Number IEEE floating point -infinity
    NaN Number IEEE floating point NaN (Not A Number) value. Note that NaN != NaN
    Random Number Random number between 0 and 1. Different every time it's used

    Functions and values are NOT case sensitive


    Name Signature Description
    Abs Number/ComplexNumber Takes the absolute value or magnitude
    aCos NumberNumber Arc-Cosine
    aSin NumberNumber Arc-Sine
    aTan NumberNumber Arc-Tangent
    Ceiling Number/ComplexNumber/Complex Rounds up to nearest whole integer
    Cos NumberNumber Cosine of angle in radians
    Floor Number/ComplexNumber/Complex Rounds down to nearest whole integer
    IsEven NumberBoolean Tests if number is even
    IsNaN NumberBoolean Tests if number is NaN(not a number) value
    IsOdd NumberBoolean Tests if number is odd
    Ln NumberNumber Natural logarithm
    Log NumberNumber Log base 10
    Max Number, NumberNumber Largest of two numbers
    Min Number, NumberNumber Smallest of two numbers
    Random Number, NumberNumber Random number between min(inclusive) and max(exclusive)
    Rational NumberRational Attempts to convert and simplify a real number to a rational number
    Round Number, Number(Optional)Number Rounds the given number to the specified precision, or the nearest integer if no second value is provided
    Sin NumberNumber Sine of angle in radians
    Sqrt NumberNumber/Complex Principle square root (returns complex when argument is negative)
    Sum Numbers[ ]Number Sums all comma separated parameters
    Tan NumberNumber Tangent of angle in radians

    Using Variables

    Variables are created by assigning a value to them with the let keyword, or by adding it to the list of variables below the main input. You can then use the variable in any expression. Variables are not case sensitive.

    A single let expression can be used to assign multiple comma separated variables as follows: let x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 the assignment does not return a value

    Variables can be assigned to any expression, including other variables. This can be useful in keeping complex equations more simple to read

    Variables can be reassigned, though it will generate a warning. You may not, however, reassign reserved words such as true

    Number formats

    Numbers are assumed to be base 10. If you want to input a binary number, prefix it with 0b or 0x for a hexidecimal number. They will be converted to decimal prior to any calculations.

    Complex numbers are limited in both input and output to be base 10 for the imaginary component. If you really want an imaginary hex number for example, you could write something like "0x_AA * i"

    Output is displayed as decimal by default, but you can use the select at the top of the page to change that to binary or hex.

    Hex and binary inputs may not contain decimal points, though decimal may. Hex and binary output format will use decimal points where required

    Hex and binary numbers may both contain as many _ as you need. So 0b10011101 is exactly the same as 0b_1001_1101

    Scientific notation is partially supported, within the limits of IEEE double precision floating point numbers.


    NOTE: Operator documentation is incomplete, mostly in regards to types. If in doubt, just try it!

    Unary Operators

    Position Op Name Types Description
    Prefix + Unary plus Number Positive Number. Doesn't really do anything
    Prefix - Unary minus Number Equivelent to * -1
    Prefix !, NOT Unary NOT Boolean, Number Inverts a Boolean, and flips the bits on a Number
    Postfix ! Factorial Number Returns the factorial of an integer
    Postfix i Imaginary Number Marks a Number as the 'imaginary' component of a complex number.

    Binary Operators

    Op Name Types Description
    + Add Number Adds the arguments
    - Subtract Number Subtracts the rhs from the lhs
    * Multiply Number Multiplies the arguments
    / Divide Number Divides lhs by rhs. Produces Rational where possible
    ^ Power Number Raises lhs to the rhs power
    AND, &, && AND Boolean, Number AND between two Booleans, or bitwise AND between two Numbers
    OR, || OR Boolean, Number OR between two Booleans, or bitwise OR between two Numbers
    XOR XOR Boolean, Number XOR between two Booleans, or bitwise XOR between two Numbers
    MOD, % Modulus Number Remainder after integer division
    ==, = Equal ANY Equal to, returns Boolean
    !=, <> Not Equal ANY Not equal to, returns Boolean
    < Less than Number Less than, returns Boolean
    <= Less than or equal to Number Less than or equal, returns Boolean
    > Greater than Number Greater than, returns Boolean
    >= Greater than or equal to Number Greater than or equal, returns Boolean

    Special Operators

    Op Name Types Description
    | | Absolute Number Returns the absolute of the number between the | Number |
    ( ) Parentheses ANY Used for controling precedence
    , Comma ANY Used for separating arguments to a function

    Color Legend

    • Number: Real numbers including integers and decimals, as well as special values like NaN, Infinity, and NegativeInfinity
    • Rational: Rational numbers represented as a fraction eg. 1/3
    • Boolean: True/False only
    • Complex: Numbers consisting of a real component and an imaginary component (denoted by i)
    • Error: Issues causing the calculator to malfunction
    • Warning: Issues which may cause unexpected results, but the calculator will attempt to continue through

    To see how it's working under the hood, you can try out the lexer and parser components on their own:

